I provide natural primary health care with a special emphasis on the treatment of chronic pain, fatigue, allergies and digestive disorders. Whether you are a new patient or part of my primary health care family, my hope is that this site will assist you in gaining a better understanding of our approach to health care as well as serve as a resource guide to preventive health care and the path to optimized health and well being.
Many chronic health challenges involve multiple symptoms that have eluded conventional diagnosis and effective treatment. A large portion of my practice is focused on providing a comprehensive approach to assessment and treatment for the often complex and interrelated symptoms that characterize chronic compromised health. The goal in treatment is, not only to address individual symptoms, but to restore health and well being. For patients who share this goal, scientifically validated guidelines for disease prevention and optimized health will be integrated into their care and individualized to their needs.
For a general orientation on my approach to assessment and treatment, my educational and professional background and an overview of health disorders that I commonly treat, please read my Office Pamphlet.
If you suffer from chronic therapy resistant pain, please read Chronic Pain. This site will provide information (including a published study) on a specialized form of evaluation referred to as “neuromuscular mapping” and the unique acupuncture techniques that are used to effectively treat chronic and severe pain syndromes that have not responded to other forms of treatment, including surgery.
I emphasize preventive health care for all patients. You can explore the science and guidelines for preventive health care in a succinct and easy to understand form by reading about Diet, Exercise, and the Body/Mind Connection. This is an evidenced based approach for improving health and wellbeing and significantly reducing risk for chronic disease. Please select "Menu" for the complete program, as well as links to the full content in my web site.